Çerez Örnek


The surveys conducted within the scope of MÜDEK studies conducted in the present period and the commissions related to these surveys are given below.

1. Course program evaluation questionnaires: These questionnaires are applied to undergraduate students after each semester and consist of program output questionnaire, teaching staff questionnaire and course evaluation questionnaire. The making and evaluation of these surveys is carried out by the "Information Commission" established in our department.

2. Graduated Student Survey: These surveys are applied to students who have graduated and present their graduation work. These surveys are conducted and evaluated by the "Finishing Thesis Commission" established in our department.

3. Graduation questionnaire: This questionnaire is applied to Food Engineers who have graduated and have acquired a specific work experience in their own field. Various meetings and organizations are organized within the department for the purpose of implementing this questionnaire. The making and evaluation of the graduation questionnaire is carried out by the "Graduate Commission" established in our department.

4. Student Internship Questionnaire: The implementation and evaluation of the student internship questionnaire applied to the students who have completed compulsory internship period is carried out by our department "Industrial Relations Commission".

5. Institution Internship questionnaire: It is a questionnaire applied to the institution where the student interns at the end of the compulsory internship period. The implementation and evaluation of this questionnaire is carried out by our current "Industrial Relations Commission".

6. Employer questionnaire: The employer questionnaire is applied to employers employing food engineers who have graduated from the Ege University Department of Food Engineering. The implementation and evaluation of this questionnaire is carried out by our current "Industrial Relations Commission".

Ege Üniversitesi